art on the BIG screen
Large projection videos and artwork for a private event in Tokyo. A specially designed space to meet the needs of this function. A project for MCI Amsterdam.
Artwork for videos, animation clips and projection
Design for traditional Japanese sliding doors. The entrance to the main hall of the building where the event took place. Japanese craftsmen working on the huge (17 x 5 metres) sliding doors. Silk-screen printing on handmade paper completes the picture.
Sliding doors design and construction. Main entrance to event.
Background animation on big screens was used for the concert of famous Chinese-American cellist Yo-Yo Ma and for Japanese Kabuki performances. Using old Japanese techniques based on water colour. When ink and water meet an interesting effect occurs as we recorded the growing shapes in super slow motion. Below you 'll find studies, drawings and tests for Japanese style animation. The final results are shown here as collage and film stills.
Preparations for creating clips, stills and sketches.
Making-of: studio shoot and filming artwork with DOP Goof de Koning and motion designer Thijs Dikshoorn
Design for clips
Stills from clips based on Origami concept